April 29, 2017 (Julian 119)

April 29, 2017 (Julian 119)

Today is a bit of an odd-ball day and somewhat challenging to read.   Moon is active in Gemini and mostly pleasant but then goes void about 4:30 PM CDT when it squares Chiron and opposes Saturn. The void lasts until about 9 PM CDT when it moves into its home sign of Cancer and squares Venus.  From the perspective of lunar transits, Saturday is pleasant until about 4 PM CDT or so when “things” turn a bit ugly.

Outers are quite active but tricky to read.  Ceres enters Gemini and squares the Nodes.  It is in pursuit of Mars but unlikely to catch it (Mars is a bit faster).  Issues of prosperity in general and particularly food and diet move to the forefront today.  Younger females panic about “bikini season” and others of us focus on other issues involving food or prosperity.

Black Moon Lilith (AND the “white moon”) aspect Eris (Chaos), and we are not certain what to make out of that EXCEPT this might be a “party Saturday” for younger people so inclined.  The rest of us might be wise to stay off the highways, particularly after 4 PM CDT.  Pallas forms a semi-square with Sedna; what does THAT mean?  The warrior goddess forms (Greek) forms an alliance with the Goddess of Victims (Inuit)?  Fee free to produce your own combination of that duo, keeping in mind the Eris interpretations and Ceres interpretations previously mentioned.

As we said earlier, it is a bit of an oddball day.

5 thoughts on “April 29, 2017 (Julian 119)

  1. I would love to see this chart, especially around 4pm. I ask because I plan to enlist a recently graduated Masters degree health sciences student to help me with a project. Her MC is in Cancer (conjunct Chiron at 26 degrees), I need some data gathering on health statistics (potentially dry topic but in her field) I’m thinking this might be the ticket to her. Yes?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. For the moment, my own chart making abilities are temporarily offline. Try the “free charts” service at alabe.com That might be able to provide what you are looking for.


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