Astrology Forecast for April 9, 2017 (Julian 099)

Astrology Forecast for April 9, 2017 (Julian 099)

Mercury makes the Retrograde Station now, and you already know that if you read any of our blogs or astrology blogs in general.  We will not make any attempt to add to that specifically.

But today is Julian Day 99, and I do wonder what the numer.ologists have to say about that!

Moon is v/c from about 3 AM CDT until about 7:30 AM CDT moving then from Virgo into Libra.  Today becomes more about relationships and the communications problems (Mercury) that emerge today.  Tara Greene seems to really like this weekend, an opinion that differs from almost all other prognosticators.  I actually think that this particular Sunday is mixed.  Setbacks will occur (if not already), but I see certain potentials as well.

Moon has oppositions, a square, and a quincunx, so the minor events today have a tendency to annoy us but that CAN be a motive to make a best effort to follow correct action.  You, yourself, must decide what that means in your situation.

Moon sesquiquadrate Mars may bring a late night sense of urgency.  Juno (wives, sisters, and especially “trust issues”) also forms a sesquiquadrate with the North Node and we must face karmic implications regarding who we do, or do not, trust.  An examination of relationships is the top priority today.

Mars BiQuintiles Saturn and all best are off when it comes to powerful insights and maybe genius level ideas about taking strong action regarding a practical problem.  (I hope this does not mean an elevation of the situation in Syria, but it could.)

We also feel the Full Moon building more fully at this time.  While it does perfect just an hour past midnight on April 11th, it is really in full force today.  Relationships and justice are at the forefront.  Those who plan too much will need to take proper action and eliminate paralysis by analysis.  Those who tend to take action without much thought will need to stop and do some planning.  You probably know which of those two opposite categories contain your tendencies, so adjust accordingly.

One more thing: if you love someone, today is a good day to let them know that.  And I do not mean strictly spouses or similar, I mean parents and children and anyone else that really matters.  Do that today.

Be careful out there!

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