June 21, 2017 (Julian 172) Summer Solstice + Mercury enters Cancer; LONG Moon void

June 21, 2017 (Julian 172) Summer Solstice + Mercury enters Cancer; LONG Moon void

Many (non-astrologers) consider this “the first day of Summer” and many calendars mark it that way.  That is true for UK / EU and points east (and EDT in the U.S.) but the solstice actually happened late YESTERDAY for most of the Western Hemisphere.  In either case, a long solar void yielded to a long lunar void (Moon v/c in Taurus) which ends today at 5:44 PM CDT.

Much of what we have to say was said in the past few days.  Moon is void most of today, Sun for today and the next two is in what horary astrologers call “too early to tell” and others call a “sign change boundary.”  The same is true for Mercury, and in both cases this means that you might need a do-over for projects started today.  Moon is still very old (in DOTM, or Dark of the Moon), and that is superb for buyers and getting “deals” *IF* it is something you really need rather than another item that sits in the corner unused.  Housecleaning and preparation are smart moves today.

Mars makes a single aspect, but it is a semi-square to Sedna (victims), and we think that today continues a pattern of dangerous days that has been with us this week, month, year, and before.  Be careful.

A smart use of today is to clean house, review and plan, and maybe have some (safe) fun.

4 thoughts on “June 21, 2017 (Julian 172) Summer Solstice + Mercury enters Cancer; LONG Moon void

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